How about Tara VanDerveer's confer?
Tara VanDerveer Confer: Pac-12
How old is Tara VanDerveer? When is Tara VanDerveer's birthday? Where is Tara VanDerveer born? Where did Tara VanDerveer grow up from? What's Tara VanDerveer's age?
Tara VanDerveer Born: 1953 (age 70years), Melrose, MA
How about Tara VanDerveer's parents?
Tara VanDerveer Parents: Dunbar VanDerveer, Rita VanDerveer
How about Tara VanDerveer's sibling?
Tara VanDerveer Sibling: Heidi VanDerveer
How about Tara VanDerveer's books only?
Tara VanDerveer Books only: Shooting from the outside
How about Tara VanDerveer's education?
Tara VanDerveer Education: Buffalo Seminary (19691971), The Milne School
How about Tara VanDerveer's teams coached?
Tara VanDerveer Teams coached: Stanford Cardinal women's basketball (Head coach, since 1996), MORE
How much does Tara VanDerveer make at Stanford?
An inductee of both the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame (2011) and the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame (2002), VanDerveer grew up in upstate New York in the pre-Title IX era with limited opportunities for girls to participate in sports.
Who is the highest women's college basketball coach?
An inductee of both the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame (2011) and the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame (2002), VanDerveer grew up in upstate New York in the pre-Title IX era with limited opportunities for girls to participate in sports.
Is Tara VanDerveer in the Hall of Fame?
An inductee of both the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame (2011) and the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame (2002), VanDerveer grew up in upstate New York in the pre-Title IX era with limited opportunities for girls to participate in sports.